Extended Courses

Schenectady County Recycles offers two extended courses: Master Composter/Recycler and Cornell Climate Stewards. These classes are twelve weeks each and offered in alternating years. 

2024's extended course was Master Composter/Recycler. MCR2024 ran from February 22nd-May 9th. The application period is closed. 

Click the links below to open the PDF informational brochures for each course.

Master Composter/Recycler

Cornell Climate Stewards

MCR Course Information

Through lectures, discussion-based sessions, and workshops, you will learn about the inner-workings of the field of sustainable materials management. Being a Master Composter/Recycler (MCR) is an excellent experience for your professional resume, especially if you are pursuing a career in an environmental science related field.

The MCR course helps to build on your professional skills in conjunction with being a great opportunity for meeting new people with similar interests and talents. You’ll become a volunteer for your community, helping to drive SCR’s mission to empower our neighbors with the knowledge to manage materials in the most environmentally sustainable way while fostering community and increasing resiliency to environmental, economic, and public health risks.

Who are Master Composters/Recyclers?

Master Composters/Recyclers are a network of trained volunteers who work in partnership with the Cornell Cooperative Extension office to help educate the local public about the importance of recycling and composting. MCRs extend the reach of the community programming offered by CCE.

Who Can Become a Master Composter/Recycler?

Anyone with an interest in volunteering can become a Master Composter/Recycler. The only requirements are willingness to gain and share new knowledge about composting and recycling, and an interest in volunteering time and enthusiasm as part of a collaborative team.

Master Composters/Recyclers are usually people who already have some knowledge about recycling and/or composting and would like to gain leadership experience by sharing their knowledge with others. Master Composters/Recyclers come from many different backgrounds and are united by their enthusiasm for improving our environment and community.

How Do I Become a Master Composter/Recycler?

Joining this class is a two-step process. First you’ll need to fill out a volunteer application and the course coordinator will review your qualifications and professional references. Then, the course coordinator will schedule an interview with you, either in person or online. Once accepted, any further paperwork will be taken care of during the orientation week.

What Does A Master Composter/Recycler Do?

Upon completion of the training program, Master Composters/Recyclers are asked to share their training with the community in the form of 30 hours of volunteer work with Schenectady County Recycles. These hours can be spread out over a one year period, and volunteers work closely with their coordinator to choose the events or activities they'd like to contribute to. Independent projects may also be considered toward service hours, but must be approved by the coordinator.

Example Activities for Master Composter/Recycler Volunteers:

  • Answer questions about what & where to recycle, donate, and dispose of various items
  • Assist with teaching classes that are open to the public
  • Help with giving demonstrations to youth groups and community organizations
  • Put together exhibits and educational displays for special events
  • Offer support to improve recycling programs for special events, schools, apartment complexes, etc.
  • Answer questions and offer technical assistance/advice related to backyard composting
  • Write articles to contribute to a monthly e-magazine
  • Attend Master Composter/Recycler meetings, quarterly
  • Help develop special events in Schenectady County to celebrate Earth Day and International Compost Awareness Week

And much more!

Last updated July 17, 2024