As an initiative of Cornell Cooperative Extension, Capital Region Menstrual Health (previously SMHC) works to promote the health and well-being of individuals who menstruate in our area. CRMH works to increase period equity by bringing period products directly into under-resourced communities through a network of established and trusted community-based organizations and our Period Pantries.
On November 9th, 2022 CRMH launched our first Period Pantry at Bethesda House! Since then, we have added three more pantries in Schenectady and two in Albany. These pantries are small, free, weather-protected containers that house a multitude of menstrual hygiene products. This box is set up much like a Little Free Library or Little Food Pantry, inviting people to take what they need.
In addition to the launch of our Period Pantries, CRMH is thrilled to announce that on December 7th, 2022 we were chosen as the United Way Perfect Pitch Winners & Women’s United Premiere Partner for 2023! We presented our "pitch" and won $10,000 to help sustain our goals of expanding our pantries and facilitating educational programming in the city of Schenectady. See Here
If you would like to request a donation of period products for your organization, you can contact Claire or Brynn by phone or email. If you would like to donate period products or give a monetary donation to our initiative, you can find our PayPal here or scan our QR code (just make sure to write for CRMH in the notes)
Contact Information
NYS Public Health Corps Fellow
(518) 545-7874
NYS Public Health Corps Fellow
(518) 396-7093
NYS Public Health Corps Fellow
Last updated October 24, 2023