Drip Drop Clothing Donation Day
Saturday, June 15, 2024,
10:00 AM -
2:00 PM
Do you have clothes taking up space that aren't really your style? Maybe you have some items that don't fit. Let's get them out of your closet and into the hands of someone they may be perfect for!
We're excited to be partnering with STYLED N' EMRGD to bring Schenectady two events this June. Our first event, the Drip Drop will be June 15th 10AM-2PM at the Electric City Barn. Bring us your clothes you'd like to get rid of in good, clean condition.
Drop off any time during the event, stay for light refreshments and workshops by SNE's founder, Jasenya, covering the topics of wardrobe optimization and utilization!
We'll sort these items and have them ready for their rehoming the following weekend!
On June 22nd, we'll be hosting a Pick a Fit event! Looking for the perfect piece to complete an outfit? In need of some lighter clothes for the warm months ahead? We'll have Jasenya talking to us about sustainability and local menders on site to help walk you through basic mending practices for your clothing.
Both events are free of charge to attend!
Would you like to volunteer at these events and help with our community building efforts? Let us know! Email schenectadyrecycles@cornell.edu for more information.
Learn More
Electric City Barn
400 Craig St
Schenectady , NY 12307
Last updated June 8, 2024